Gönderen Konu: NASM derleme problemi  (Okunma sayısı 2554 defa)

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  • İleti: 23
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NASM derleme problemi
« : 21 Kasım 2017, 17:02:38 »
Merhabalar. WIN.CIH (Çernobil virüsü)'nün kaynak kodları şurada mevcut:


NASM ile derleyenler varmış ama:

Kod: [Seç]
nasm -f elf cih-1.4.asm
Kod: [Seç]
cih-1.4.asm:54: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels
cih-1.4.asm:60: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:130: error: symbol `OriginalAppEXE' redefined
cih-1.4.asm:130: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:140: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:141: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:143: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:145: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:146: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:148: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:151: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:153: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:154: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:158: error: symbol `FirstKillHardDiskNumber' redefined
cih-1.4.asm:158: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:159: error: symbol `HookExceptionNumber' redefined
cih-1.4.asm:159: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:164: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:169: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:171: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:172: error: symbol `ASSUME' redefined
cih-1.4.asm:172: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:196: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:211: error: invalid operand type
cih-1.4.asm:218: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:233: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:288: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:295: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:305: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:314: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:325: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:355: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:361: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:371: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:375: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:383: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:385: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:388: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:399: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:415: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:421: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:422: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:430: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:456: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:469: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:479: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:486: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:532: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:545: error: symbol `IF' redefined
cih-1.4.asm:545: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:555: error: symbol `ENDIF' redefined
cih-1.4.asm:563: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:572: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:583: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:698: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:794: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:797: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:805: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:816: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:825: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:850: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:862: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:863: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:864: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:866: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:866: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:899: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:905: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:948: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:957: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:964: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:976: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:977: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:985: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:986: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:991: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:992: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:993: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:997: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1001: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1059: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1064: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1066: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1066: error: invalid operand type
cih-1.4.asm:1069: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1136: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1137: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1145: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1166: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1178: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1189: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1214: error: symbol `IF' redefined
cih-1.4.asm:1214: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1216: error: symbol `ELSE' redefined
cih-1.4.asm:1218: error: symbol `ENDIF' redefined
cih-1.4.asm:1246: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1267: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1280: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1285: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1315: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1335: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1373: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1377: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1382: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1383: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1394: error: comma, colon, decorator or end of line expected after operand
cih-1.4.asm:1405: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1415: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1432: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1439: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1455: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1464: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1465: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1469: error: comma expected after operand 1
cih-1.4.asm:1470: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1472: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1473: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1489: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1498: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1500: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1501: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1503: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1504: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1505: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1506: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1507: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1508: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1509: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1510: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1511: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1512: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1513: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1514: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1520: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1522: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1531: error: symbol `VirusGame' redefined
cih-1.4.asm:1531: error: parser: instruction expected
cih-1.4.asm:1533: error: parser: instruction expected

Böyle bir hata veriyor. Acaba ne yapabilirim? Teşekkürler.
[size=9.75pt]People said I should accept the world. Bullshit! I don't accept the world.” ― rms[/size]

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  • Dağıtım: Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia
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Ynt: NASM derleme problemi
« Yanıtla #1 : 21 Kasım 2017, 22:05:40 »
Bu virüsü hangi amaçla derlemeye çalışıyorsunuz?
Forum Kuralları
Adaletin olmadığı yerde anarşi başlar..

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  • İleti: 36
  • Dağıtım: LM 18.3
Ynt: NASM derleme problemi
« Yanıtla #2 : 21 Kasım 2017, 22:15:53 »
İşlemciyi mi beğenmiyor acaba?

Çevrimdışı Reddet

  • Forum Sorumlusu
  • Kıdemli Penguen
  • *****
  • İleti: 992
    • Opyon Yazılım
  • Dağıtım: Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia
  • Masaüstü Ortamı: Cinnamon
Ynt: NASM derleme problemi
« Yanıtla #3 : 21 Kasım 2017, 22:26:38 »
Niyetinizi beğenmemiş olabilir.
4- Forumda yasa dışı içerik paylaşımı (W.AREZ, C.RACK, MP3, lisanslı yazılım v.s.) kurallara aykırıdır.
12- Forumda penetrasyon (sızma) testi ile ilgili dağıtım ve yazılımlara destek verilmemektedir. Böyle içereğe sahip konu ve mesajlar tespit edilmesi veya bildirilmesi durumunda bildirimde bulunulmaksızın kaldırılacaktır.
       Not: Bu tarz dağıtımlara ait depoların eklenmesi sonrası oluşacak sorunlara forumda destek verilmemektedir.

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